Our neighborhood struggles with the same issues as many urban communities – violence, drug and alcohol addiction, failing schools, broken families…the list goes on. Our hope and prayer is that in our worship of God, kingdom transformation will come as it has to many other neighborhoods. We value change that comes within each of us, in the lives of our neighbors, and in our community as a whole.
As a multiethnic church, we practice love and reconciliation across cultural and linguistic barriers. In each facet of the church, we train people to engage cross-culturally and promote intercultural integrity. Though multiethnic fellowship/worship presents challenges at times, it is an essential element of what it means to be the church in this place.
We are also hopeful of God transforming this community to be more like his kingdom. Though God has been at work here since long before any of us were even born and could certainly continue what he has begun without us, we value participating in his work for the betterment of this particular neighborhood and the people who live here. As we have sought community transformation, God has led us into various ministries that meet needs of local community members and enhance the quality of life experienced by residents in our neighborhood (for example, the closing of liquor stores, painting murals, tree planting, academic tutoring, English classes, block clubs, etc.). We hope in the fullest sense that this will be a neighborhood where children can play in the streets and every family will be helped and know the blessing and presence of God.